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How Does It Work ?
Looking for Job? Apply Now: If you are a Jobseeker and looking for job in education sector (School, College or Private Institute) just click on the “Apply Job” button in Job Listing Page. To apply on a particular job please follow bellow steps:
Wants to advertise your Job? Post Job: To Post any job on this site please navigate to “post Job” page fill the required detail and click on the “Post job” button. We have limit of 5 jobs posting as a Guest user for 1 month. If you want to increase the no of job posting, Please join us as an employer and post the job as per the subscription.
Promote your Institute: Featured institute: This feature is only available with the registered user having high subscription. By taking this feature employer will able to display their institute in featured job list available on home, search and Join us page. Please follow the below simple steps to take advantages this feature:
Required qualified staff for your institute ? Download Resumes If you are looking for qualified staff for your institute. Please get access on our database to download the resume and call them for further discussion. This feature is only available with registered user having any subscription.
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